

so, I tuned in to the 3rd game of the world series tonight just in time to catch Amy Grant sing God Bless America. With a shaky voice, she started out like a middle schooler carefully singing her first solo. I kept waiting for it to be special. And then, it was over. No glory note, no melisma, not even the extra part at the beginning that most of us don't know. Just your average, vanilla, straight as a board rendition of the song. To tell the truth, that's not even the part that I had a problem with. The announcer introduced her as Grammy winning Amy Grant. But that? Was definitely not a grammy winning voice. Even I could have sung that better. What, was she "sick" like Ashlee Simpson? She didn't even look like she enjoyed it!

While I'm on the subject of complaining about celebrity singers, let's talk about Bono for a moment. You've all seen the ipod commercial that he's in right? (Side note, Ipod Photo was just released, and I haven't quite made up my mind about it. Its ridiculously expensive for a toy, but then again it looks like fun.) Well in case you haven't, the song that he's singing starts counting in Spanish. He sings, "Uno, Dos, Tres, Catorce." Uhh... Que?? Catorce? That's some kind of inside joke, right? They don't really think that's four, do they?



Last night I carved my first pumpkin. Pumpkin guts aside, it was quite the experience. Check out my handiwork in the picture. I'd make you guess, but since there's really no way to know, its the one on the bottom row, sandwiched between the witch and the cat. Not too bad, eh?

Speaking of halloween, I finally went and picked up a costume today. If you, like me, thought that one week in advance would be early enough to avoid the crowds, boy, would you be sorely mistaken.

I could already see that I was in for a long afternoon when I got the parking lot and had to do my favorite stalk-the-customer-as-she-leaves-and-pounce-on-her-spot-before-anyone-else-has-the-chance maneuver. Once inside, 20 minutes later, I wasn't much better off. Throngs of people were peering up at the walls where pictures of costumes were displayed while employees used their walkie talkies to bark numbers at each other in an effort to procure your desired costume for you in record time. Including the time spent in the parking lot, in the line for the fitting room, and finally in the line to give the store my money, I spent about 3 hours of my life on this year's halloween garb decision. Not including, of course, the two other trips I had already made earlier this month, only to return empty handed because I was "certain that I could come up with something better."

This is what I finally came home with. Admittedly, I won't look half as cute as the model in it, but I was tired and it met my requirements: cute, comfortable, and relatively non-slutty. For those of you that see me in it, please pretend you don't see my stomach sticking out. :)



I have a cheesy guilty pleasure. Quotes. I admire the eloquence with which the authors of these gems are able to sum up a timeless phenomenon. I've decided that from time to time I will subject you to a few that ring true to me.

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose." --Robert Byrne

"There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief." -- Æschylus

"What is now proved was once only imagined." -- William Blake



Found in an away message today:

"on the bright side, today I seem to have as solid of a low A as you'll hear from a non-Barry Carl/Chanticleer/Tim Storm bass-dude :-!"

mmm... just imagine that resonance... Gives me chills. :)



Well, I wrote in an earlier post that I hadn't been following the debates at all. Since I had a free night tonight, I decided that I ought to actually pay closer attention to what each of the two men who hope to lead this country for the next four years have to say during their final debate. Especially since I'd like to make an informed decision (okay, as much as possible).

For some reason, I don't remember the debates from 2000 being so structured and formatted like a school competition like the one tonight. I'm sure I watched portions of them, but they seemed rather haphazard. Again, that may just be my selective memory. Regardless, I thought tonight's "show" was just that. Both candidates had a couple of zingers up their sleeves that you could tell they were just waiting to unload given the right provocation. How about Kerry's attempt to tie in pop culture with the Tony Soprano line? So strange to me. Tonight's was the last debate ever for Bush no matter what the outcome of the election is and I'm sure he's relieved.

Following the debate there was a commercial for a local candidate which made me realize that I don't even know the names of any of the candidates for the local government. Oops. How bad is that? I guess all the media is so caught up with the presidential election, the local candidates don't get nearly as much face time. So I'm resolving to learn a little more about what's going on here before November. I'll probably post again closer to the election about how I still don't know any more than I do today, but oh well. :) At least I'm trying.

Any people from Pirates reading this? The title? get it? sometimes i crack myself up.. really...



Long weekends are truly a beautiful thing. Columbus Day weekend is actually one of my favorites. It's not centered around any religious holiday, and therefore there's no pressure for people to make crazy travel arrangements to see family. It's soon after Labor Day, and right around the time people are thinking of what they'll do for Thanksgiving this year, so the weekend creeps on you. It's almost like there's an extra day built in, just to reward you for all regular sized weekends that you've had to deal with during the year, and this time you can just enjoy the 3 days guilt-free.

At least, that's how I think of it.

The weekend's been fun, and it's unfortunate it's drawing to a close, but I suppose it had to happen sometime. The weather has been beautiful, and therefore my mood has been positive (Have I not talked about my direct link to the weather? Remind me to do that sometime.). Went to a football game on Saturday and had a fantastic time, especiallly because our team, the underdog, won. At the risk of sounding too much like a "typical girl", no relaxing weekend is complete without shopping, and so I came home with several bags. Throw in some excellent food and you've got most of my weekend. :)

It's turning to fall now, and I have to say I don't mind. Every time the seasons change, it's like I have a fresh start. I've been procrastinating my applications all summer, so now I can tell myself that I really need to get cracking on them because it's fall. Speaking of which...



Alright, I'm ashamed to admit it, but I've kind of been living under a rock as far as the election. Somehow, I've missed both debates thus far, and I have a strong suspicion that I'm not going to want to spend my Friday night watching tomorrow's debate either. Oh well, its not like I expected the debates to really change my vote.

Is it just me or does Kerry really have a odd shaped head? Its extremely long, and his high hair doesn't help matters. He reminds me of someone, though I can't quite figure out who.

Have you seen how cnn has a complete election section on their website? Its great for people like me, Its got all these comparison tables and charts as if I'm comparing two models of a camera. There's even a section called "fun facts" through which I learn that John Kerry's favorite movie of the past year was Old School. I kid you not. Alright, fine, he's a guy, I'll overlook that minor detail. Unfortunately, our current president's page doesn't even have a fun facts link. I was all set to make my choice based on who had the cooler first car (a VW Bug for Kerry), but alas, my dream will remain unfulfilled.



CNN.com - Crushing blow for bank customers - Oct 6, 2004

I know this is in a different country and that perhaps there are stricter regulations that must be followed that would have prevented something like this from happening here, but just hearing this story makes me livid. I know that my mother stores nearly everything important to her in her safe deposit box. Birth certificates, passports, documents that can no longer be replaced, jewelry that can never be replicated because that kind of craftmanship just doesn't exist anymore or because it has been in my family for generations, etc etc. I hope none of the customers settle for the "minimum" settlement. As in any negotiation, always counter, because the other party can always do better than their first offer.



took this with my new camera this weekend. hee!



After a nice mini-vacation, for once I am complaint-free. So instead, I point you to a wonderful source of amusement. I've wasted countless hours reading these recaps. :) Enjoy.