

Thought it was time for a bit of early spring cleaning. Blogger keeps bugging me to upgrade every time I log in, so I finally caved to the pressure. So far, I really like the collapsible tree archive of posts. Plus I was tired of my old template, time for a change anyways. Let me know what you think.



I got a new camera! :) But of course, I forgot to take a picture of it before returning my parents' camera to them. So you'll just have to drool over the amazon picture, and trust that I have one. It seems fabulous, but I haven't really had that many chances to take pictures yet. I'll have to give you a better update once I do.

As for earlier promised pictures, they're up! Took me a long time, but they're there. Click on any of the ones below to go the whole set on Flickr.

standing guarda typical merchantdaylight petronas

The link to pictures with people in it is posted on Facebook, email me if you want a link to that.

And last, but certainly not least, a few videos from a Ladyboys show that I attended are posted at youtube. Here's just one sample that blew me away. These are Thai men, dancing and singing to a very popular Hindi tune...



Almost a decade ago, I took the Myers-Briggs test for the first time. It was a requirement for school. I think I was deemed an ISTJ. I can't be completely sure as I have no document to prove that fact, and my memory's not what it used to be. (shush). Anyhow, I thought it was a fairly accurate description.

Tonight, I retook it, again for school. First of all, I thought the test was a lot longer the last time I took it, so the results may not be that accurate. It says I'm an ESFP. Yes that's right, I've supposedly flipped on every category but one. Um... huh?

I knew I'd changed, but that much? Say it isn't so.